For smooth running, easy and structured communication with the various departments of the University, EQUSaT has a well-structured Management Committee that brings together all the administrative heads of departments.

Currently, The University Management Committee has the following members;

  • The Vice Chancellor (Chairperson)
  • University Secretary (Secretary)
  • Academic Registrar
  • University Bursar
  • University Librarian
  • Systems Admin
  • The Public Relations Officer
  • Quality Assurance Officer
  • Dean of Students
  • Any other Head of an administrative unit who may be appointed from time to time by the University authority

Functions and roles of the committee

The Management Committee performs its functions under delegated powers of both the University Council and the Senate. These functions include:

  • Taking decisions in relation to all aspects of the university’s executive and academic functions, and to be accountable for those decisions through the Vice Chancellor who is the Chairperson of the committee.
  • Oversee progress against academic and operational strategy by monitoring both academic and administrative departments and units of the university.
  • Ensure that all university policies meet with statutory/regulatory requirements.
  • To oversee and monitor closely the financial position of the university, including the proposal of the budget to Council and the allocation of funds within the parameters set by Council.
  • To receive, discuss and approve the annual financial estimate (budget), the annual report, accounts, audit reports and their satisfactory compliance along with its certification by the auditor and the disciplinary or otherwise action taken report in this regard by the University.
  • To ensure the identification and evaluation of key risks that threaten the achievement of the university’s aims, and that a register of those risks is maintained and actively managed.
  • To consider internal audit reports prior to their submission to Council’s Audit Committee and to ensure that effective management action is taken.
  • To oversee the effective health and safety management of the university.
  • Perform any other function as may be determined by the University Council or as may be guided by the Board of Trustees.